Since 1984, Dynamic Duo Studio’s combined backgrounds in graphic design, illustration, and painting, with expertise in and enthusiasm for the comic book medium, produce imagery that stands out from the crowd.
Christopher’s talent is finding a striking, artistic equivalent for an idea, concept, or phrase. His award-winning work has earned him a stellar client list which includes Time, Newsweek, Business Week, The Atlantic Monthly, and top American publishing houses.
Campbell Laird's work explores the structural relationships between line, shape, texture, and color. His work occupies the space between handmade and digital. Campbell has produced art for Macy's, American Express and 20th Century Fox, the New York Times, LA Times, Dwell Magazine, Los Angeles Magazine, and more.
Roy's illustration is a hybrid of digital and traditional media. For over twenty years he has been creating conceptual illustrations for editorial, corporate, advertising and publishing clients around the world.
Paul Vismara has been creating award-winning illustrations for his clients for over 25 years. His diverse client list is a testament to his ability to provide the right images for the right projects.
Adam is an award-winning illustrator whose work has graced the covers of both books and magazines. He is equally at home creating art for editorial as well as commercial use.
Phil Bliss is a versatile illustrator who has gained recognition from major illustration societies on the east and west coasts. Some of his work is done in collaboration with the digital talents of his brother Jim. Clients include AARP magazine, AT&T, American Airlines, Boston Magazine, Citibank, and Time Magazine.
Doriano’s distinctive characters make his work instantly recognizable. His work has been featured in a variety of projects and publications. His work covers many topics including education, lifestyle, economics, business, and technology.
Rob Colvin's work has appeared in a wide variety of media worldwide. With over 800 images in his portfolio, art buyers will find the imaginative solutions they're looking for.
The late Doug Ross' ability to understand and express a broad range of business and technical concepts earned him international acclaim. His clients include business and financial publications as well as major corporations.
A select group of artists whose experience, talent and diverse styles make them perfect for any assignment from editorial to advertising to packaging.
View Portfolios
Our Clients Include
John Wiley & Sons,
The Boston Consulting Group,
American Management Association,
Ziff Davis Media Inc.,
The France Foundation,
Curran & Connors,
Penny Publications,
American Healthcare Association
and more.
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